Write performance on blfiles01.research.intel-research.net
grouchy{python/scripts}: date
Wed Aug 18 01:33:26 PDT 2004

grouchy{python/scripts}: ./blfiles01-crawl.py /tmp/foo.txt /home/bnc/foo.txt
0.276 MB/s for 1048576 byte file
0.265 MB/s for 1048576 byte file
0.270 MB/s for 1048576 byte file
0.276 MB/s for 1048576 byte file
0.267 MB/s for 1048576 byte file
0.271 MB/s for 1048576 byte file
0.269 MB/s for 1048576 byte file
0.269 MB/s for 1048576 byte file
0.272 MB/s for 1048576 byte file
0.264 MB/s for 1048576 byte file
mean, std = 0.270, 0.004 with 10 values
95% confidence interval [0.267, 0.272] MB/s

Yes, that's right. With 95% confidence, a user can expect to see a whopping 0.267 MB/s to 0.272 MB/s of average write bandwidth to everyone's favorite file server, blfiles01. Here is a graph showing blfiles01's write performance over time.

Update: as of 9/21/2004, this performance problem has finally been resolved. Write bandwidth is at least respectable now at 4-5 MB/s (for now).